Ivan Suvanjieff | Painting
Ivan Suvanjieff - Portrait
Ivan Suvanjieff is a painter. He lives and paints on the Costa Brava. His most recent solo exhibition, "Quanta Dada London," was held in London, England, in February 2024. Suvanjief's passion for social activism and free expression is evident in his diverse body of work. This commitment spans across multiple mediums, from his days as the lead singer of punk rock bands The Ramods and The 27 to his role as associate editor of CREEM magazine. His literary pursuits include contributing to "The Stooges: The Authorized Story" and publishing over 50 issues of "The New Censorship: Monthly Journal of the Next Savage State." Suvanjief also extends his influence into the film industry with his recent film, "Shirin Ebadi: Until We Are Free," broadcast on BBC.
Ivan Suvanjieff created his artistic series, "Quanta Dada," to express his disgust with what is happening in the world today. He is drawn to the Dada movement of 1916-1923, because it was a powerful reaction to World War I by artists who believed that war itself is craziness incarnate. Dada artists used humor and absurdity to hold up a mirror to the absurdity of the world around them. Today, we find ourselves back where we were 100 years ago-only now, we have the ability to destroy humanity many times over, with weapons much more powerful than before. In this era of crushing autocracy, global greed, and a world on the brink of destruction, Suvanjieff believes it is time for a new Dadaism that can shock us back to our senses. It is time for Quanta Dada.
Quanta Dada, 2024 - Ivan Suvanjieff
Quanta Dada, 2024 - Ivan Suvanjieff
Quanta Dada, 2024 - Ivan Suvanjieff
Quanta Dada, 2024 - Ivan Suvanjieff
Quanta Dada, 2024 - Ivan Suvanjieff