11 Questions with RoddAlt
I am RoddAlt. I am the founder of the CryptoPop Art Movement. My art is immediate, inconsistent, illogical, stuff for psycoanalysis.
I paint visions, I try to catch a flash from my subconscious and fix in a large canvas with acrylic colours plus sometimes sand and stones.
Could you tell us a little more about your background and how did you begin making art?
Well, I am an Italian first. At the least, it can be said without unveiling other details that could help to discover my real identity (that's my nightmare!). RoddAlt, my Alter Ego, personifies my art. I cannot produce any artwork without my mask representing the Greek letter Rho; the mask prevents the logical side of my identity from prevailing and preventing the materialization of my visions in my paintings.
I think RoddAlt is the final point of an inner process that started from my humanistic studies, and that reached the final point in 2019 when I decided to free myself from all my doubts, my brakes, my Ifs and my Buts and to transform into paintings my visions and demons.
How do you define yourself as an artist?
I am free, independent, imperfect, and inconsistent.
What are you trying to communicate with your art?
With the help of my mask, I am capable of letting my inner visions to be materialized in my paintings. I catch my visions in an unfiltered way, and therefore I do not ask myself what their real message that my paintings are carrying is. Art is a physical and psychological exigency that finds temporary satisfaction in the completion of each painting. I do not make art to save the world but to save myself.
Could you tell our readers about the CryptoPop Art movement?
With little modesty, I define myself as the founder of the Cryptopop, a way of artistic expression that combines simple and immediate images with an obscure message open to plural interpretations. I am creating a dedicated site to the movement where I will guest artists that consciously or unconsciously are CryptoPoppers.
You are part of the artwork itself. Do you have a philosophy that guides you in your creative expression?
I am aware that many artworks nowadays are directly inspired by these years' big events, but I would say that I swim against the tide and find inspiration from my inner world. I also paint my images unfiltered. I never ask myself, "Oh, but what will people think about this artwork,"….it would kill my inspiration.
And yes, I like to be caught in the pictures on the side of my painting. For sure, there is a Freudian explanation for this, but it's better not to go too deeply into this topic. I wouldn't say I like to psychoanalyze myself.
Do you have a role model that you've drawn inspiration from when working as an Anonyme artist? Tell us more about your source of inspiration...
I think that each person is unique, and therefore, each artist is capable of producing unique artworks. The search for models and inspirational figures can dangerously open the door to the Virus that can completely destroy creativity: Imitating!
What aspect of your work do you pay particular attention to?
I try to reproduce at the best the visions that come as flashes in my mind and consider worth to be materialized in a painting. But I must accept that artwork "wishes" to come to life differently. It is the result of triangulation between the matter (the canvas, the colors, the brushes…), the mind, and my body's capabilities.
What was the most challenging part of your project?
The size of my paintings. It can sound like a trivial answer, but that's practically my biggest challenge.
Painting on large surfaces requires space around you and sets several technical challenges. Last but not least: framing and shipping become a nightmare. But I cannot do differently: I can satisfy my creativity only on large surfaces.
Do you have any upcoming shows or collaborations you are looking forward to?
Two of my paintings will participate in FUTURE LANDSCAPES, the third appointment of BORDERS Art Fair 2020 held in Venice at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello from the 16th of October to the 29th of November. On an opening day, I will keep a speech about the philosophy of my art. Of course, I was wearing a double mask, one against Covid and the other (the "Rho" one) to keep quiet my Alter Ego (and in this case with Alter Ego, I do not mean RoddAlt).
Later in 2021, I will organize an open-air show called "RoddAlt invades Venice," but I cannot say much more. The show will continue until one of the many Italian police organizations (Carabinieri, Polizia di Stato, Polizia Locale, Fiamme Gialle, and many more) will come and find me. But…not necessarily anyone must like RoddAlt, especially the colorful Italian police!