
INTERVIEW | Haochen Ren

INTERVIEW | Haochen Ren

Haochen Ren is an independent London-based artist. Over the most recent two years of his practices, the exhibition as a medium has been seen as his primary research direction. Exploring the possibility of constructing cognitive experiences through the concept of "exhibition" not only supports his practice at this stage but also serves as a fundamental step in exploring "how art and exhibition can provide a decentred platform”.

INTERVIEW | Seoyoung Kim

INTERVIEW | Seoyoung Kim

Seoyoung Kim is an interdisciplinary artist and curator based in Brooklyn. Her practice is a continuing examination of surroundings and site relativity that comes from the placement of things. Her work, when placed in a chosen site, documents a triangular relationship between site, thing, and viewer.  She is also the founding director of Site, a curation service dedicated to building communities.