
INTERVIEW | Charlie Wayne

INTERVIEW | Charlie Wayne

Charlie Wayne questions the identity and the place of reality. His accumulation and proliferation of photographs question the power of images in our society and echo the mass consumption mechanisms of our world, the duality of the human, between image and identity, passive consumption and a quest for truth.

INTERVIEW | Nour Hassan

INTERVIEW | Nour Hassan

Nour’s Hassan inspiration is derived from mundane situations, experiences, and thoughts. As Louise Bourgeois declares “Art is not about art. Art is about life, and that sums it up”. Her process is mostly informed by an idea, once established, she explores executing it without limiting herself to a style or brushstroke.

INTERVIEW | Jonathan Irawan

INTERVIEW | Jonathan Irawan

Jonathan is a part of Pulpo Collective - they envision future scenarios, and question how design as a practice can resolve challenges of the future, addressing both the physical realm of our urban habitats and natural environments, as well as changes in society.

INTERVIEW | Shahab Naseri

INTERVIEW | Shahab Naseri

The utilities for creating art are many, yet the number of artists is not considerable. An artist whose art is drawn from independent thoughts and ideas is a true artist; we must greaten our insight, there is no other way than finding what you would share with the world.

INTERVIEW | Anton Lefabi

INTERVIEW | Anton Lefabi

Anton Lefabi’s work is centered on repetition, obsession, irony, and sacrifice, essentially based on a conceptual modus operandi which manifests itself in thematic work series. He shifts perception by investing his energy into developing a method of transcription which aims to let a work radiate a specific idea.

INTERVIEW | Leszek Sikon

INTERVIEW | Leszek Sikon

Making hand-forged knives and custom objects in only the highest quality materials is the core of Leszek Sikon’s practice. Material culture is also crucial to his practice; the right piece of stock, with the right history, can reinforce the message his artwork conveys. 

INTERVIEW | Alves Ludovico

INTERVIEW | Alves Ludovico

Super-complexity drives Alves Ludovico’s fascination. He enhances the limits of his perception and comprehension - his creations represent a personal case study, a segment from the super-complexity that he sorts out and where he finds the tools for meaning.

INTERVIEW | Monica Sousa

INTERVIEW | Monica Sousa

Monica Sousa’s art focuses on spaces that emerge from late capitalism, even though sometimes, there is a movement of nature that re-colonized this same place that was intervened by human hands, an entropy that originates the organic development of nature.

INTERVIEW | Alisa Aistova

INTERVIEW | Alisa Aistova

Alisa Aistova investigates human boundaries and transitional states, mutations, injuries, and suppressed desires. In her work are always transformations, mental and physiological: insanity, melancholy, rejection, anguish, violence, isolation, death, and the desire for it.