mole^3 is a Japanese printmaker and visual artist whose work explores the intersection of traditional printmaking and digital media. She creates using open data, images, sound, generative art, and woodblock printing. Viewing coding as a form of printmaking, she considers on-screen outputs to be the digital equivalent of physical prints.
Kyla Gu is a London-based graphic, brand, and transmedia designer who strives to push the boundaries of visual communication. Her work is a fusion of traditional design principles and innovative techniques, where creative coding, motion, and 3D converge to form unique visual languages. This multidisciplinary approach allows her to explore and redefine the limits of graphic design.
INTERVIEW | Danni Zheng
Danni Zheng is a new media artist with a spatial design background, currently based in London. Her work often explored the relationship between physical and virtual space by investigating the status quo and speculating the future in a digital way, such as through 3D animation, immersive experiences, live performances, and creative coding. She aims to inspire audiences through her work.