
INTERVIEW | mole^3

INTERVIEW | mole^3

mole^3 is a Japanese printmaker and visual artist whose work explores the intersection of traditional printmaking and digital media. She creates using open data, images, sound, generative art, and woodblock printing. Viewing coding as a form of printmaking, she considers on-screen outputs to be the digital equivalent of physical prints.

INTERVIEW | Gao Xue'er

INTERVIEW | Gao Xue'er

Xue'er Gao’s work is grounded in her background in studio art, particularly in book, printmaking, and papermaking, where she learned and practiced various techniques, later combining them in multiple editions. She has also honed her photography skills, film and digital, and combined them with her practice. She has spent significant time studying traditional Chinese crafts and culture, observing nature, and paying attention to her surroundings.

INTERVIEW | Boyuan Wang

INTERVIEW | Boyuan Wang

Wang Boyuan is an artist based in London and China who explores absurdity and fantasy through printmaking, moving images, drawing, etc. Wang Boyuan’s works employ imagination and humor to reflect and rethink identity, sexuality, social constraints, and underlying ideologies. His current work is a series of drawings that serve as self-portraits exploring my possibilities, desires, and emotions.

INTERVIEW | Rana Huwais

INTERVIEW | Rana Huwais

Rana Huwais is a mixed-media artist specializing in printmaking and soft sculpture. In her work, Rana explores ideas of nostalgia, childhood, memory, and the complexity of being a second-generation immigrant from a nation currently undergoing the trauma of war. Formally, she engages with these themes with the use of bright colors, expressionistic and childlike mark-making, cultural motifs like the evil eye and Arabic script.

INTERVIEW | Skyler Yixian Liu

INTERVIEW | Skyler Yixian Liu

Skyler Yixian Liu is a Chinese artist and printmaker who works and lives in London, UK. Her works focus on traumas, memories, grief, the spirituality of human experiences, and loss. The artist explores the internal struggles of anxiety and traumas throughout her series of stone lithography prints. She questions the existence of nothingness in the distortion of portraits.

INTERVIEW | Xiaodong Yu

INTERVIEW | Xiaodong Yu

Yu Xiaodong was born in Qingdao, Shandong, in 1978. He is a member of the China Artists Association. He is currently a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts of Qingdao University, director of the Printmaking Teaching and Research Section. He is also the earliest researcher and creator of digital printmaking in China, setting a precedent for the creation and teaching of digital printmaking in the country.