
INTERVIEW | Nadia Armouti

INTERVIEW | Nadia Armouti

Nadia Armouti is an artist and researcher based in London, UK, and Seoul, Korea. She creates experiences that bring visibility to both self-imposed limitations and alternative pathways to personal fulfillment. By forcing her audience to make choices and then reflect on them, she invites a level of awareness to everyday decision-making and crafts her practice with an intent to thoughtfully impact each individual with personalized and lasting effects.



Ali Fawad is a self-taught digital sculptor/teacher, based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Through working with both camera and computer, he creates images that seek to challenge and problematise traditional conceptions of photography, sculpturing and painting. Techniques and understandings from these fields – such as carving, layering of colour or the interplay of light - are used to produce images that capture the spirit of the locality.

INTERVIEW | Yuqian Sun

INTERVIEW | Yuqian Sun

Yuqian Sun is a Chinese AI artist based in London. Inspired by conversations between virtual characters in video games, she produces works that steer with curiosity. She creates art projects based on AI chatbots, focusing on narrative and intimacy in human-AI interaction. Her work varied from 3D renderings and games to generative arts. She's currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science Research and an AI developer expert.