Qian Chen is a visual artist based in London and Xi'an. Her latest project, Dreamania, explores new dimensions of childhood memories, nostalgic culture, fancy dreams of irrationality. By observing and recording life trajectories, and reprocessing frozen memories, Qian create a tangible concept of spatial iteration, presenting the product of the interaction between daily life and dreams.
INTERVIEW | Chelsea Ning
Chelsea Ning is a photographer and textile designer currently based in Providence, Rhode Island. She is grappling with subtle feelings based on the ideas of dissonance, self-identity, concealment, displacement, isolation, and nostalgia in her work. Chelsea has been interested in different ways of media based on visual expressions, including film installations, paintings, and prints.
INTERVIEW | Rana Huwais
Rana Huwais is a mixed-media artist specializing in printmaking and soft sculpture. In her work, Rana explores ideas of nostalgia, childhood, memory, and the complexity of being a second-generation immigrant from a nation currently undergoing the trauma of war. Formally, she engages with these themes with the use of bright colors, expressionistic and childlike mark-making, cultural motifs like the evil eye and Arabic script.